Although we only propose a small number of base HCS parameters in our paper, they can be combined in many ways to capture different structural information about the instance. The following table is a comprehensive list of all the computed features which were used for our machine learning classification and regression results. This includes our proposed HCS parameters as well as other parameters which we believe to be important, such as mergeability. The table contains the name of the feature as it appears in our code, as well as a description of each basic feature.
Feature Name | Description |
numVars | the number of distinct variables in the formula |
numClauses | the number of distinct clauses in the formula |
CVR | numClauses / numVars |
dvMean | the average number of times a variable appears |
dvVariance | the variance in the number of times a variable appears |
numCommunities | total number of communities |
numLeaves | total number of leaf-communities |
avgLeafDepth | average leaf depth |
depthMostLeaves | the depth with the most leaf-communities |
rootInterVars | the number of inter-community variables at the root level |
lvl2InterVars | the average number of inter-community variables at depth 2 |
lvl3InterVars | the average number of inter-community variables at depth 3 |
rootInterEdges | the number of inter-community edges at the root level |
lvl2InterEdges | the average number of inter-community edges at depth 2 |
lvl3InterEdges | the average number of inter-community edges at depth 3 |
rootDegree | the number of communities at the root level |
lvl2Degree | the average number of communities at depth 2 |
lvl3Degree | the average number of communities at depth 3 |
maxDegree | the maximum degree over all levels |
rootModularity | the modularity of the graph at the root level |
lvl2Modularity | the average modularity at depth 2 |
lvl3Modularity | the average modularity at depth 3 |
maxModularity | the maximum modularity over all levels |
rootMergeability | the mergeability score between all variables |
lvl2Mergeability | the average mergeability score of a community at depth 2 |
lvl3Mergeability | the average mergeability score of a community at depth 3 |
maxMergeability | the maximum mergeability over all levels |
lvl2CommunitySize | the average number of variables in a community at depth 2 |
lvl3CommunitySize | the average number of variables in a community at depth 3 |
leafCommunitySize | the average number of variables in a leaf-community |
numLeaves / numCommunities | |
rootInterEdges / rootInterVars | |
lvl2InterEdges / lvl2InterVars | |
lvl3InterEdges / lvl3InterVars | |
max(interEdges / interVars) | the maximum interEdges / interVars ratio over all levels |
rootInterEdges / rootCommunitySize | |
lvl2InterEdges / lvl2CommunitySize | |
lvl3InterEdges / lvl3CommunitySize | |
max(interEdges / communitySize) | the maximum interEdges / communitySize ratio over all levels |
rootInterVars / rootCommunitySize | |
lvl2InterVars / lvl2CommunitySize | |
lvl3InterVars / lvl3CommunitySize | |
max(interVars / communitySize) | the maximum interVars / communitySize ratio over all levels |
rootInterEdges / rootDegree | |
lvl2InterEdges / lvl2Degree | |
lvl3InterEdges / lvl3Degree | |
rootInterVars / rootDegree | |
lvl2InterVars / lvl2Degree | |
lvl3InterVars / lvl3Degree |
Feature Clusters
In the following tables, we list the representative feature and its parent cluster for predicting solving time and classification of an instance into its category.
Feature | Cluster |
rootMergeability | maxMergeability |
maxInterEdges / CommunitySize | maxInterEdges / InterVars |
rootInterEdges | |
lvl2Mergeabilty | |
cvr | dvVariance |
leafCommunitySize | |
lvl3Modularity | lvl2Degree, lvl3Degree |
lvl2InterEdges / lvl2InterVars | lvl2InterEdges / lvl2CommunitySize, lvl3InterEdges / lvl3InterVar, lvl3InterEdges/lvl3CommunitySize |